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Our next President of the United States, Bernard "Bernie" Sanders is a leader to be reckoned with. Bernie Sanders has integrity and works hard to implement his ideas, usually putting in 10-14 hrs a day. He takes time to listen to the people.

Bernie Sanders has been a leader since his college days in the early 1960's.  Bernie was first elected to lead CORE, a Civil Rights organization at the University of Chicago. Bernie's group was successful at integrating Chicago's public school system. Bernie was also a student leader with Dr.Martin Luther King's Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee. He follwed King to Washington for the 1963 March for Jobs and Equality.


In 1981, Bernie won his first appointment to public office. As an independent, he was ELECTED mayor of Burlington, Vermont's most populous city, and was re-ELECTED 3 times. In 1990 he was ELECTED to represent Vermont in the U.S. House of Representatives. He was ELECTED to serve as a U.S. Representative from Vermont for 8 straight terms(16 yrs)! Bernie was ELECTED to the U.S. Senate in 2006 (6yrs) In 2012, he was reELECTED with 71% of the popular vote (4 yrs and going).


Go to the polls for your state's Democratic Primary this month and elect Bernie Sanders as the Democratic Party Nominee for President. Go back to the polls on Nov. 8 and ELECT Bernie to the office of President of the United States of America.


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Bernie Sanders, as Mayor.
Bernie was re-ELECTED with a GREATER share of the Vote each time.
Bernie was voted one of America's Top Mayors while serving as Mayor of one of Vermont's largest cities.
Bernie was re-ELECTED 3 times.   Burlington, VT currently has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the nation.
Bernie as Representative


Bernie was ELECTED to the U.S. House of Representatives 8 times, starting in 1991. Bernie voted against the War in Iraq, feeling it would destabilize the region. Bernie spoke out for gay rights before it was the popular or politically correct thing to do. Bernie was known as the Amendment King for his incredible success in getting amendments passed.

Bernie as Senator


Bernie was ELECTED  to his 1st Term

as Senator of Vermont in 1990, and served a six year term. Bernie was re-ELECTED to the Senate in 2012, and is currently serving as the Junior Senator of Vermont.

Bernie worked with John McCain on the Veterans Committee to increase funding for the VA, and add more doctors and nurses.

Bernie serves on both the Energy Committee and the Committee on the Environment, and works to end subsidies for polluters and create clean energy jobs. "I have served on both the Committee for the Environment and the Energy Committee, so believe me, I know global warming is real."

Bernie's Official Site

Info. on yr. state's primary schedule

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Ph: 843-855-9133

Official Bernie Campaign site http://www.berniesanders,com

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Mayor,check, Representative, check, Senator, check

President? Your Vote Decides!

The current Junior Senator from Vermont, Bernie Sanders has won 10 National

races straight! TEN! That's HUGE! Bernie is 


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